Minimally Invasive Surgery
Minimally invasive surgery is surgery performed through one or more small keyhole incisions placed directly over the operation site and is performed under a general anaesthetic. It is only suitable for patients where pre-operative scans have been able to identify the exact location of the relevant tumours or nodules. Professor Sidhu endeavours to conduct all thyroid and parathyroid surgery using the minimally invasive approach, sometimes called keyhole. These are called minimally invasive thyroidectomy and minimally invasive parathyroidectomy. If surgery has been commenced and it is apparent it can not be completed through the keyhole approach Professor Sidhu will proceed to an open approach. With adrenalectomy Professor Sidhu will use a keyhole approach where possible. Conversion to open adrenalectomy may occur if the laparoscopic is not conducive. Professor Sidhu will discuss this will you at the time of your consultation for surgery.